Children's Ministry

Ms. Kittie Dishman

We have an active and growing Children's Ministry here at CFUMC!! Under the direction of Ms. Michelle, there are plenty of opportunities for your child(ren) to be a part of our congregation.  

On Sundays, we have Sunday School and Children's Church for our elementary age children.  Each week there is a lesson from the Bible, a craft and some time for fun!

Vacation Bible School is a "not to miss" event here at Checotah First UMC!  This year's theme is "Road Trip: On the Go with God."  Among the good fun of VBS, the children will be given a mission challenge.  Last year, our kids raised over $700.00 for a local mission project.  VBS will be held in the evenings on July 20th thru the 24th.

More special events will be added in the days and weeks to come!  Check out our webpage on a regular basis and keep up to date with what's happening!